Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders are atypical, adaptive patterns that emerge in the absence of normalized patterns within the orofacial complex. The regular presence of these adaptive movements can often result in a variety of disturbances.
Examples of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders include one or a combination of the following:
Thumb and finger sucking habits
A routine habit of resting with the lips apart
A forward resting posture of the tongue between or against the teeth
Tongue Thrust
Other harmful oral habits
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders are often related to or can contribute to a variety of medical and dental disorders. These disorders can include:
Malocclusion (improper alignment of the teeth)
Periodontal disorders
Orthodontic relapse
Changes associated with abnormal jaw growth and position
What are some of the causes of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders?
It is often difficult to isolate a particular source as the sole cause of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder and in most cases, it can be the result of a combination of factors. Many experts suggest that OMDs may develop as a result of the following:
A restricted nasal airway due to enlarged tonsils/adenoids, deviated septum, and/or allergies.
Improper oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking, cheek/nail/cuticle biting, teeth clenching/grinding, and tongue, lip or cheek sucking
Extended use of a pacifier and/or long-term use of sippy cups
Structural or physiological abnormalities may include a short lingual frenum (tongue-tie)
Neurological deficits and developmental delays
Hereditary predisposition
The most commonly noted etiology of an OMD is a lack of nasal breathing. When nasal breathing is impeded, the body naturally accommodates by relying on mouth breathing. Long-term mouth breathing changes the natural resting position of the jaw, tongue and lips. This change in position can influence growth patterns of the jaw and maxilla and often result in the development of significant malocclusion. Furthermore, long term mouth breathing compromises the natural process of breathing which relies on the nasal airway to cleanse and purify air for the pulmonary system.
It is crucial to first address what may be contributing to the persistence of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder before beginning treatment, as treatment may not be successful if the etiology persists.
Red Flags: Heart-shaped tongue, A short, tight, thick lingual frenum, Depresion on tongue upon protrusion, Scalloped borders of tongue, and limited protrusion.
Pictures by Cheri Hudema
Why be concerned about OMDs?
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders interrupt normalized movement patterns. Orthodontists have documented their concerns about OMD’s since the early 1900’s. Failure to address an OMD can result in:
Long-term mouth-breathing patterns that compromise overall healthy breathing
Establishment of detrimental oral habits that impede further growth and development
Establishment of atypical patterns that impact chewing and swallowing
The improper development/alignment of the teeth
The improper development of jaw growth and facial structure
Slowing the process of orthodontic treatment
Undermining the long-term stability of orthodontic treatment, resulting in malocclusion relapse
Negatively impacting the stability and function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Speech distortions
Negatively affecting social relationships due to open mouth postures or noisy chewing and swallowing patterns
A variety of peripheral pain issues like chronic facial, neck and back pain; headaches; tooth grinding and clenching; as well as temperomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD or TMD) have also been associated with OMD’s, as have episodes of tinnitus and vertigo.
Improper tongue position has also been associated with some sleep-disordered breathing patterns.
Many individuals with OMD’s have been reported to have early delays in the area of feeding and swallowing. Picky eating patterns often emerge as a result of the lack of oral coordination needed in the first three years of life. Since OMD’s are typically associated with jaw, tongue and lip movement, speech patterns can also be impacted.
What age should therapy begin?
Therapy for orofacial myofunctional disorders can begin at variable ages.
Children as young as 4 years of age can benefit from an evaluation to determine if causative factors such as an inability to breathe nasally consistently or a tongue tie would require prevention and/or intervention, and would allow the clinician to make appropriate referrals to professionals for remediation.
Children of 5 years of age are at an ideal time to begin a program to help eliminate harmful sucking habits
Children of seven to eight years of age are good candidates to begin an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy program.
Teens and Adults of all ages are also able to achieve successful, long-term results.
What Can Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Accomplish?
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy involves an individualized program to help the patient retrain these adaptive patterns of muscle function, and to create and maintain a healthy orofacial environment. Treatment goals may include the following:
Normalize tongue and lip resting postures
Establish nasal breathing patterns
Eliminate improper chewing and swallowing patterns
Stabilize the dentition from extraneous orofacial muscle movement
Address harmful oral habits including:
Prolonged pacifier use
Thumb and/or finger sucking
Fingernail, cheek, or lip biting
Tongue sucking
Clenching or grinding of the teeth
Benefits of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy may include:
Correcting and improving tongue and lip postures which can aid in the development of normal patterns of dental eruption and alignment.
Assisting in the stabilization of the teeth during and/or after orthodontic treatment or jaw surgery
Identifying the need and referring for Speech treatment.
How effective is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?
There are many factors that contribute to the success of the therapy program. Effective communication and cooperation between therapists and the dental and medical community are essential. In addition, the patient’s desire, dedicated cooperation, and self-discipline are necessary, as well as support from others. To ensure optimum results with children undergoing therapy, parental involvement and encouragement are important and necessary.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy has helped thousands of individuals in dozens of countries. Numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. These studies have shown that Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy can be 80-90% effective in correcting rest posture, swallowing, and other oral functions and that these corrections are retained years after completing therapy.